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A jQuery plugin for doing simple guided tours of websites

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Chaperone is configured and controlled in 3 main ways. The first is the settings hash when initialising Chaperone. The second is the options on each step of the chaperones cue card. Lastly, the chaperone can be given instructions directly.

As a final note, the chaperone will also emit events that you can hook into as he goes about his duties.

Basic Usage

The bare minimum required to get a Chaperone working is the following:

<ol id="cue-card">
  <li data-target="#item">This is an item</li>
<div id="item">What is this?</div>

However, this isn’t very exciting and you’ll also find that nothing actually shows up. This is because while you’ve configured a chaperone, you haven’t started him on his journey, you can do this by adding the line:


to the end of the script tag.


There are a number of options with which you can configure a chaperone at initialisation. By default, these are:

$.fn.chaperone.defaults = {
  step: 'li',
  steps: {
    placement: 'auto'
  animate: true,
  margin: 10,
  template: [
    '<div class="chaperone">',
      '<div class="arrow"></div>',
      '<a class="close-chaperone">&times;</a>',
      '<div class="content-wrapper">',
        '<h4 class="title">Title</h4>',
        '<div class="content">Content</div>',
        '<a class="prev-chaperone">Previous</a>',
        '<a class="next-chaperone">Next</a>',
  keepInsideBoundary: document,
  repositionOnResize: true


Default: li

This option defines the selector used to determine each step of the cue card.


Default: { placement: ‘auto’ }

This controls the default configuration for each step. Configuration here can be overridden on a per-step basis using data attributes.


Default: true

This controls whether or not the chaperone smoothly scrolls the current step into view. When disabled, no automatic scrolling occurs.


Default: 10

This defines a margin around the step when shown to ensure it is a minimum distance away from it’s target.


Default: html

The template option defines the markup that is created for each step of the chaperones tour. The mark can be anything, but certain classes are treated specially.

Template Classes


A tag with this class will close the step when clicked.


A tag with this class will have it’s content replaced with the steps title.


A tag with this class will have it’s content replaced with the steps content.


A tag with this class will move the chaperone back a step when clicked


A tag with this class will move the chaperone forward a step when clicked

Extra classes

When the tooltip/message is shown, the template’s out-most element may also have a class of left, right, top or bottom placed on it depending on the current steps placement settings.


Default: document

This defines the boundaries that the chaperone will try and keep the step within. By default this is the entire document but you can limit the area in which a step is allowed to be placed to any given element or jQuery selector.


Default: true

This defines whether or not the chaperone will try and reposition it’s steps after the window is resized.

The Cue Card

The cue card is the list of instructions the chaperone follows that tells him where to lead the user and what to tell them when they get there.

Typically cue cards are written using ol tags, where each li represents a step, but this can be customised to support any markup. The cue card is hidden when the chaperone is activated and each step transformed into a tooltip/message.


<ol id="example-cue-card-1">
  <li data-target="h1.something" data-placement="top" data-title="Title for content">Some content</li>
  <li data-target="#something" data-placement="left">Content without a title</li>

<div id="example-cue-card-2">
  <span data-target="h1.something" data-placement="top"></span>
  <span data-target="#something" data-placement="left"></span>

You’ll notice on each step are a couple of options set via data attributes. These define basic behaviour for the step, the most important of these is target.

Data Attributes


This attribute is mandatory. Without it, this step will not display correctly.

Set this to a valid jQuery selector and the tooltip/message will be displayed by the matching element.


Valid options are left, right, top, bottom and auto. If not set, the value defaults to auto.

This controls how the placement of tooltips/messages is determined. In auto mode, the tooltip/message will get placed wherever there is room around the target, starting from top center and then trying other combinations until one works, finally settling on centering over the target if nothing else works. The other options force the tooltip/message to position themselves at those offsets regardless of room, which can result in them appearing off-screen.


If not set, no title is shown

This sets the text that will show in the title portion of the step template.

Instructing the Chaperone

The chaperone will accept a number of instructions to control it’s actions or ask it’s status.

You can send the chaperone an instruction like so:



Fires the started and showstep events

Sending this command starts the chaperone on his tour. If he is already on a tour, this will reset him to the beginning.


Fires the hidestep and stopped events

Sending this command stops the tour, hiding all visible steps.


Fires the stopped and the destroyed events

Sending this command removes all traces fo the chaperone and restores the cue card to it’s previous state.


Fires the hidestep and showstep events

Moves the chaperone to the next step, hiding the last one. Loops back to the beginning if on the last step.


Fires the hidestep and showstep events

Moves the chaperone to the previous step, hiding the last one. Loops back to the end if on the first step.


Fires the repositioned event

Forces the chaperone to recalculate the position of it’s steps


Returns the settings of the selected chaperones.